Walking Together on The Road That Leads to Change – #KeepThePromise
On the 19th November 2018, our adopted young people as part of a conference they had organised, met with First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, to share their experiences and ideas for how things could be improved for them. This was the beginning of our walk together with them on a journey of change.
The awaited Independent Care Review Report gave us all we had hoped for, and more.
The Promise
Our challenge now was to make our commitment to how we would change as an organisation to make the vision a reality. Representatives from our Young People, Adoptive Parents, Staff, Management and Trustees met together and there was no shortage of ideas.
Eventually we settled on our 6 Change Commitments:
We will ensure every adopted young person is supported to communicate “what’s important to me” through a digital life story.
We will increase the number of adoptive families that can keep brothers and sisters together.
We will develop the range of peer support services being delivered by adopted young people and adoptive parents.
We will be better at helping adopted children and young people maintain past relationships.
We will share our experience of ‘Teen Talk’ with others.
We will change our language to be less sector-speak and more compassionate.
Now the hard work starts as we develop our commitments into action plans and work together to #KeepThePromise