Caring for Vulnerable Children

Caring for Vulnerable Children

Free online Caring for Vulnerable Children workshop available to Scottish Adoption Adopters.

CELCIS and Future Learn are running another MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) which will help you explore and develop an understanding of the approaches involved in caring for vulnerable children.

In times of austerity and shrinking public services, the task of identifying and caring for vulnerable children has never been more challenging.

Now in its 8th run, almost 60,000 people, from 163 countries have taken part in this free online course so far. Follow snapshots of Billy’s story, where the theory is linked to the reality of the world.

In this free online course, we’ll help you explore some of the issues involved in undertaking this task. We’ll consider:

  • What we mean by risk and vulnerability
  • How we define parenting
  • How children grow and develop
  • How we can provide children with security through meaningful relationships and attachments

Who should take this course?

It’s suitable for anyone who may come into contact with children who are vulnerable, such as:

  • Children’s Panel members
  • Social workers
  • Teachers
  • Nurses
  • Foster carers
  • Childminders
  • Social care workers
  • Those considering, going through, or have already adopted a child
  • Anyone with an interest in this area

No special software is required and the course is accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop.

The Caring for Vulnerable Children MOOC is delivered through FutureLearn in partnership with the University of Strathclyde and CELCIS.

For more information about the course and to book your free place click here