

Our son attended the P1 Transition Group and our daughter attended the Girls Group.

Our son attended the P1 Transition Group and our daughter attended the Girls Group.

Girls Group

“It helped me understand that being adopted wasn’t scary or so different. It helped me feel it was a better place to be. And I enjoyed the girls’ group – it was fun!”

Our daughter is quite introspective so the Girls Group allowed her to see that she wasn’t the only girl in her situation and to see that it was fine to talk about her feelings about adoption. She could say things, if she wanted, in a place where she didn’t have to worry about hurting our feelings as parents. While the girls were in the group the parents got a chance to chat with each other which was brilliant. We were really happy that our daughter had some other adopted girls to talk to and be with and she seemed to really enjoy it.

Primary 1 Transition Group

“I absolutely LOVED it, ‘cos you got to sing and do ‘motorboat, motorboat’ and I made nice friends. They were adopted too. You also got to play games”

My son loved his P1 Transition Group. Although he was only a little aware of the reason for the group, I think he really felt connected to the other children. During the week he’d ask “when are we going to Scottish Adoption?” He saw it as a kind of club for children just like him. It did really help him realise that school was something that happened to all children like him and there wasn’t too much to worry about. For us parents it was even more important. We all had worries about our children starting school so it was really brilliant to share our concerns and to discuss things that we hadn’t even thought of. Even without that common link, it was really good to connect with other adoptive parents.