As our experience and knowledge of how best to support families formed through adoption grows, our commitment to provide a range of responsive and effective services runs parallel to this.
For some families the support provided by their worker will be sufficient but for others more intensive therapeutic support may be needed. At Scottish Adoption and Fostering, we are in the fortunate position of being able to offer a range of therapeutic disciplines – Art, Music, Play Therapy, Occupational Therapy (including sensory integration) and Peer Support.

Theraplay Techniques
Play is vitally important for children’s healthy development. It provides opportunities for excitement, creativity, learning, fun and joy. Play between parent and child is one of the tools which helps build connection and strong, safe and secure attachment.

Art Therapy
Art Psychotherapy (often referred to as ‘Art Therapy’) treatment is an early, preventative or crisis intervention, which has proven effectiveness in enabling children and young people to deal with challenging situations and psychological distress.

Music Therapy
Music therapy is a psychological therapy that allows a person to access a psychotherapeutic intervention without depending on verbal processing. It is therefore helpful to children who are experiencing emotional difficulties or recovering from early trauma or neglect.

Occupational Therapy
From our work supporting children and young people we recognise that early pre-birth and childhood experiences of trauma, neglect and abuse have an effect on the way children and young people cope with stress.

Parent Support Groups
Becoming a parent is life changing for everyone. Becoming an adoptive parent brings its own unique rewards, issues and challenges. Adoptive Parent Support was founded in 2014 to help support adopters at all stages of their adoption journey.
The links above will give you some more information on each of the therapies available. If you are still in contact with your worker, they can provide information and may suggest that support from one or other of the therapies on offer might be helpful for you and your child.